网校课程 牛津阅读树1-9阶精读讲解视频课程教程分级绘本资料

查看909 | 回复0 | 2023-6-7 21:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 小老弟的胖厨子 于 2023-6-18 12:30 编辑

01-Look at Me(First Sentences)
02-Go On,Mum(More First Sentences A)
03-Kipper's Dairy(First Sentences)
04-Big Feet(First Sentences)
05-Look After Me(More First Sentences A)
06-Presents for Dad(More First Sentences A)
07-What Dogs Like(More First Sentences A)
08-The Box of Treasure(More First Sentences B)
09-Chip's Robot(More First Sentences B)
10-Floppy's Bone(More First Sentences B)
11-Hook a Duck(More First Sentences B)
12-One Wheel(More First Sentences B)
13-The Sandcastle(More First Sentences B)
14-Can You See Me(More First Sentences C)
15-Good Dog(More First Sentences C)
16-The Ice Cream(More First Sentences C)
17-Reds and blues(First Sentences)
18-The Mud Pie(More First Sentences C)
19-See Me Skip(More First Sentences C)
20-What a DIN!(More First Sentences C)
21-At the Park(Patterned Stories)
22-Fancy Dress(Patterned Stories)
23-Good Old Mum(Patterned Stories)
24-The Headache(Patterned Stories)
25-The Pet Shop(Patterned Stories)
26-Push!(Patterned Stories)
27-Go away Floppy(First Sentences)
28-Hide and Seek(First Sentences)

牛津树1+至2阶 目录

002-What a Mess(More Patterned Stories)
006-Who did that(More Patterned Stories)
008-Goal!(More Patterned Stories)
010-The Journey(More Patterned Stories)
012-Making Faces(More Patterned Stories)
014-Shopping(More Patterned Stories)
016-Go Away,Cat(More First Sentences A)
018-Top Dog(More First Sentences A)
020-The Go-Kart(Stories)
024-A New Dog(Stories)
028-New Trainers(Stories)
032-The Dream(Stories)
036-The Toy's Party(Stories)
040-What a Bad Dog!(Stories)
044-The hole in the sand(First Sentences)
048-In a bit(First Sentences)
052-Poor Floppy(First Sentences)
056-A present for Mum(First Sentences)
060-Put it back(First Sentences)
064-The Big Egg(First Sentences)
068-The Baby-sitter( More Stories A)
072-Floppy's Bath( More Stories A)
076-Kipper's Balloon( More Stories A)
080-Kipper's Birthday( More Stories A)
084-Spots( More Stories A)
088-The Water Fight( More Stories A)
092-Biff's Aeroplane( More Stories B)
096-The Chase( More Stories B)
100-Floppy the Hero( More Stories B)
104-The Foggy Day( More Stories B)
108-Kipper's Laces( More Stories B)
112-The Wobbly Tooth( More Stories B)
116-Creepy-crawly!(Patterned Stories)
120-Hey Presto!(Patterned Stories)
124-Monkey Tricks(Patterned Stories)
128-Naughty Children(Patterned Stories)
132-A Sinking Feeling(Patterned Stories)
136-It's the Weather(Patterned Stories)
140-The Little Dragon(More Patterned Stories)
144-New Trees(More Patterned Stories)
149-The Band(More Patterned Stories)
152-the Lost Puppy(More Patterned Stories)
156-Up and Down(More Patterned Stories)
160-What is it(More Patterned Stories)


164-The Duck Race(First Sentences)
168-Level 3-The Ice Rink(First Sentences)
172-The Mud Bath(First Sentences)
176-Pond Dipping(First Sentences)
191-Sniff(First Sentences)
195-The Steel Band(First Sentences)
199-A Cat in the Tree(Stories Pack)
203-The Snowman(More Stories A).pdf
207-The Carnival(More Stories B)
211-At the Seaside(More Stories A)
215-The Cold Day(More Stories B)
219-Srawberry  Jam(More Stories A)
223-On the Sand(Stories Pack)
228-Kipper's Idea(More Stories A)
232-Bull's-eye!(More Stories B)
236-Book Week(More Stories B)
240-At the Pool(More Stories B)
244-By the Stream(Stories Pack)
248-The Rope Swing(Stories Pack)
252-The Barbecue(More Stories B)
255-Nobody Wanted to Play(Stories Pack)
260-The Jumble Sale(More Stories A)
264-Kipper the Clown(More Stories A)
268-The Egg Hunt(Stories Pack)
274-Nobody Got Wet(More Stories A)


276-Poor Old Mum(More Stories A)
280-The Weather Vane(More Stories A)
284-House for Sale(Stories Pack)
288-The New House(Stories Pack)
292-Come In!(Stories Pack)
296-The Flying Elephant(More Stories B)
300-Swap!(More Stories B)
304-Wet Paint(More Stories B)
308-Dad's Jacket(More Stories C)
312-Stuck in the Mud(More Stories C)
316-The Den(More Stories C)
320-The Secret Room(Stories Pack)
326-The Camcorder(More Stories A)
332-The Storm(Stories Pack)
338-The Balloon(More Stories A)
344-The Play(Stories Pack)
350-The Wedding(More Stories A)
356-The Dragon Dance(More Stories B)
362-Everyone Got Wet(More Stories B)
368-The Scarf(More Stories B)
374-An Important Case(More Stories C)
380-Look Smart(More Stories C)
386-Tug of War(More Stories C)


392-The Magic key( Stories)
398-Pirate Adventure( Stories)
404-Gran( Stories)
410-The Dragon Tree( Stories)
416-Castle Adventure( Stories)
422-Village in the Snow( Stories)
428-It's Not Fair(More Stories A)
434-A Monster Mistake(More Stories A)
440-Everyone Got Wet(More Stories B)
446-The Great Race(More Stories A)
452-Undergrand Adventure(More Stories A)
458-Vanishing Cream(More Stories A)
464-Camping Adventure(More Stories B)
470-Mum to the Rescue(More Stories B)
476-New Classroom(More Stories B)
482-Noah's Ark Adventure(More Stories B)
488-Scarecrows(More Stories B)
494-The New Baby(More Stories B)
500-The Adventure Park(More Stories C)
506-Dad's Run(More Stories C)
512-Drawing Adventure(More Stories C)
518-Kipper and the Trolls(More Stories C)
524-Safari Adventure(More Stories C)
530-Sleeping Beauty(More Stories C)


536- In the Garden( Stories)
542- Kipper and the Gaint( Stories)
548- The Outing( Stories)
554- Land of the Dinosaurs( Stories)
560- The Treasure Chest( Stories)
563- A Fright in the Night(More Stories A)
569-Mirror Island
575- The laughing Princess(More Stories A)
581- Christmas Adventure(More Stories A)
587- The Go-kart Race(More Stories A)
593- The Shiny Key(More Stories A)
599- Paris Adventure(More Stories B)
605- The Stolen Crown Part1(More Stories B)
617- Ship In Trouble(More Stories B)
623- Homework!(More Stories B)
629- Olympic Adventure(More Stories B)


635-Red Planet(Stories)
643- Lost in the jungle(Stories)
651- The Broken Roof(Stories)
659- The Lost Key(Stories)
667- The Willow Pattern Plot(Stories)
675- Submarine Adventure(Stories)
683- The Motorway(More Stories A)
691- The Bully(More Stories A)
699-The Joke Machine
707- The Hunt for Gold(More Stories A)
715- Roman Adventure(More Stories A)
723- The Jigsaw Puzzle(More Stories A)
731- The Power Cut(More Stories B)
739- Australian Adventure(More Stories B)
747-The Riddle Stone Part 1(More Stories B)
756- The Riddle Stone Part 2(More Stories B)
763- A Sea Mystery(More Stories B)
771- The Big Breakfast(More Stories B)


779- A Day in London(Stories)
787- The Rainbow Machine(Stories)
795- The Kidnappers(Stories)
803- Victorian Adenture(Stories)
811- Viking Adventure(Stories)
819- Egyptian Adventure
827- The Evil Genie(More Stories A)
835- Flood!(More Stories A)
843- Pocket Money(More Stories A)
851- Save Floppy!(More Stories A)
859- What was it like(More Stories A).pdf


867- Green Island(Stories)
875- Storm Castle(Stories)
883- Superdog(Stories)
891- The Litter Queen(Stories)
899- The Quest(Stories)
907- Survival Adventure(Stories)
915- The Blue Eye(More Stories A)
923- Rescue!(More Stories A)
931- Dutch Adventure(More Stories A)
939- The Finest in the Land(More Stories A)
957- Key Trouble(More Stories A)

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